
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you find this blog helpful. It started with small idea about saving a little money by a do-it-yourself way. As I've discovered in some of my travels, most do-it-yourself ideas are, in fact eco-friendly. These are my experiements and my thoughts on the matter.

I took the above picture at the beach near Bodega Bay. I love water. It's beautiful, and it has so many metaphors for our lives. While one drop does not make a huge difference to us, many drops can form an ocean, that has the power to wash the very footprints we leave right before our eyes.

Hopefully, together, we can become so many that we will be able to wash some of our carbon footprints away.


Chelle }}i{{

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!!

Sure, we've all heard about recycling before. It saves the planet, blah, blah, blah.

Well, thanks to this couple, there are some great ways to recycle and tuck some extra money in your wallet. Even bring the kids along with you to help!

Couple Pays For Wedding By Recycling 400,000 Cans

Peter Geyer and Andrea Parrish are getting married soon. They did not have a lot of extra money, but came up with the quirky idea to pay for their wedding by recycling cans. They were able to successful get $3,800. With some more luck and donations their way, it's shaping up to be a wonderful wedding!

What can we learn from this? It pays to recycle. Not only does it help with the environment, it helps with your wallet too! Get the kids involved! Find out where your nearest recycling centers are and how to get paid to recycle! Earth 911 provides not only a plethora of recycling information, but it also tells you where the nearest recycling areas are and for what (i.e. paint, oil, cans).

Next, set a goal with your little ones. What would you like to accomplish? Make individual goals with your kids, a family goal or a couples goal. Like a video game, an above ground pool, or a trip for two to Hawaii. If you want more than one goal at a time, great! Just make sure to split it all up evenly!

Then, make a goal poster. Maybe a thermometer type one. Color the money amount in every time you get a chance to hit the recycling center. Put the money in safe keeping. Either in a high interest savings account or under the floor boards...which ever you deem fitting. :-)

Call local offices and ask if they have a recycling program in their building, offer to provide the service free of charge by setting a few recycling posts in them.

This will get your children excited. They will go looking for cans and bottles to recycle. Like an Easter egg hunt. This will also teach them the importance of goals and accomplishing them and the great reward after the hard work. When going for a walk, take two bags with you and pick up as you go. This will teach children responsibilities of littering. One bag for trash, the other for recyclables.

With this goal-oriented idea, we can help save the planet one bottle/can at a time while having some fun earning some dough!

Peace and Love,

Chelle }}i{{

**I forgot to add in my favorite website for eco friendly household cleaners. Ecos. Here is my favorite product I use: Orange Plus. I bought the gallon concentrate for $20 2 years ago, I still have over hald the bottle left. This stuff is GREAT!!!**

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